Rough and Ready - a Jim Dickinson production

Stephen recently secured a part in Jim Dickinson’s second feature film “Rough and Ready”. Filiming is due to start imminetly, and is set to hit our screens later this year, so watch this space.

Films Synopsis:

When a tabloid sex scandal forces Britain's Foreign Secretary into hiding, two Yorkshire coppers are tasked with the responsibility of babysitting the politician until the fuss blows over. What should be a relatively simple job turns into tragedy after a night on the town, and a visit to the local brothel. Upholding the finest traditions of British policing, our coppers decide to lie their way out of trouble, claiming the Foreign Secretary popped out for fish and chips "and we've not seen him since, honest Gov, we haven't".

Meanwhile, across town, two portable toilet companies engage in a frantic battle for survival. No tactic is too underhand, too shameful or too desperate for these bitter rivals, who'll stop at nothing to put the other out of business. When the top salesman jumps camps, the gloves are well and truly off. And the town's finest male stripper, an impossibly proportioned stud by the name of Mr Excalibur, is busy bedding anything and everything in sight; if its female, if it's over 16, it's next. But, trouble is brewing for the bigoted pork swordsman – the local gay mafia are out to bring him down, armed with the knowledge that Excalibur's biggest asset might not be all it seems..... (extract taken from

Amongst the cast Stephen will be starring alongside is Page 3 model Peta Todd, former West End performer turned director Paul Monaghan (who is also Colin Farrell’s uncle and godfather!), and BBC drama 'Doctors' star Carol Harrison.

For more information and the view the full cast list, please visit the official Rough and Ready website -